Source code for cell2location.utils._spatial_knn

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from umap.umap_ import fuzzy_simplicial_set

def get_sparse_matrix_from_indices_distances_umap(knn_indices, knn_dists, n_obs, n_neighbors):
    Copied out of scanpy.neighbors
    rows = np.zeros((n_obs * n_neighbors), dtype=np.int64)
    cols = np.zeros((n_obs * n_neighbors), dtype=np.int64)
    vals = np.zeros((n_obs * n_neighbors), dtype=np.float64)

    for i in range(knn_indices.shape[0]):
        for j in range(n_neighbors):
            if knn_indices[i, j] == -1:
                continue  # We didn't get the full knn for i
            if knn_indices[i, j] == i:
                val = 0.0
                val = knn_dists[i, j]

            rows[i * n_neighbors + j] = i
            cols[i * n_neighbors + j] = knn_indices[i, j]
            vals[i * n_neighbors + j] = val

    result = coo_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=(n_obs, n_obs))
    return result.tocsr()

def compute_connectivities_umap(
    knn_indices, knn_dists, n_obs, n_neighbors, set_op_mix_ratio=1.0, local_connectivity=1.0
    Copied out of scanpy.neighbors

    This is from umap.fuzzy_simplicial_set [McInnes18]_.
    Given a set of data X, a neighborhood size, and a measure of distance
    compute the fuzzy simplicial set (here represented as a fuzzy graph in
    the form of a sparse matrix) associated to the data. This is done by
    locally approximating geodesic distance at each point, creating a fuzzy
    simplicial set for each such point, and then combining all the local
    fuzzy simplicial sets into a global one via a fuzzy union.
    X = coo_matrix(([], ([], [])), shape=(n_obs, 1))

    connectivities = fuzzy_simplicial_set(

    if isinstance(connectivities, tuple):
        # In umap-learn 0.4, this returns (result, sigmas, rhos)
        connectivities = connectivities[0]

    distances = get_sparse_matrix_from_indices_distances_umap(knn_indices, knn_dists, n_obs, n_neighbors)

    return distances, connectivities.tocsr()

# ####################--------########################

[docs]def spatial_neighbours(coords, n_sp_neighbors=7, radius=None, include_source_location=True, sample_id=None): """ Find spatial neighbours using the number of neighbours or radius (KDTree approach). :param coords: numpy.ndarray with x,y positions of spots. :param n_sp_neighbors: how many spatially-adjacent neighbors to report for each spot (including the source spot). Use 7 for hexagonal grid. :param radius: Supersedes `n_sp_neighbors` - radius within which to report spatially-adjacent neighbors for each spot. Pick radius based on spot size. :param include_source_location: include the observation itself into the list of neighbours. :param sample_id: pd.Series or np.array listing sample membership for each observation (each row of coords). """ # create and query spatial proximity tree within each sample if radius is None: if include_source_location: coord_ind = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], n_sp_neighbors)) else: coord_ind = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], n_sp_neighbors - 1)) else: coord_ind = np.zeros(coords.shape[0]) if sample_id is None: sample_id = np.array(["sample" for i in range(coords.shape[0])]) total_ind = np.arange(0, coords.shape[0]).astype(int) for sam in np.unique(sample_id): sam_ind = np.isin(sample_id, [sam]) coord_tree = KDTree(coords[sam_ind, :]) if radius is None: n_list = coord_tree.query(coords[sam_ind, :], k=n_sp_neighbors, return_distance=False) n_list = np.array(n_list) # replace sample-specific indices with a global index for c in range(n_list.shape[1]): n_list[:, c] = total_ind[sam_ind][n_list[:, c]] if include_source_location: coord_ind[sam_ind, :] = n_list else: n_list_sel = n_list != np.arange(sam_ind.sum()).reshape(sam_ind.sum(), 1) coord_ind[sam_ind, :] = n_list[n_list_sel].reshape((sam_ind.sum(), n_sp_neighbors - 1)) else: coord_ind[sam_ind] = coord_tree.query_radius(coords[sam_ind, :], radius, count_only=False) return coord_ind.astype(int)
[docs]def sum_neighbours(X_data, neighbours): """ Sum X_data values across neighbours. :param coords: numpy.ndarray with variable measurements for each observation (observations * variables) :param neighbours: numpy.ndarray with neigbour indices for each observation (observations * neigbours) """ return np.sum([X_data[neighbours[:, n], :] for n in range(neighbours.shape[1])], axis=0)
# ####################--------######################## def spatial_knn( coords, expression, n_neighbors=14, n_sp_neighbors=7, radius=None, which_exprs_dims=None, sample_id=None ): """ A variant on the standard knn neighbor graph inference procedure that also includes the spatial neighbors of each spot. With help from Krzysztof Polanski. :param coords: numpy.ndarray with x,y positions of spots. :param expression: numpy.ndarray with expression of programmes / cluster expression (cols) of spots (rows). :param n_neighbors: how many non-spatially-adjacent neighbors to report for each spot :param n_sp_neighbors: how many spatially-adjacent neighbors to report for each spot. Use 7 for hexagonal grid. :param radius: Supercedes `n_sp_neighbors` - radius within which to report spatially-adjacent neighbors for each spot. Pick radius based on spot size. :param which_exprs_dims: which expression dimensions to use (cols)? """ # create and query spatial proximity tree within each sample if radius is None: coord_ind = np.zeros((coords.shape[0], n_sp_neighbors)) else: coord_ind = np.zeros(coords.shape[0]) for sam in sample_id.unique(): coord_tree = KDTree(coords[sample_id.isin([sam]), :]) if radius is None: coord_ind[sample_id.isin([sam]), :] = coord_tree.query( coords[sample_id.isin([sam]), :], k=n_sp_neighbors, return_distance=False ) else: coord_ind[sample_id.isin([sam])] = coord_tree.query_radius( coords[sample_id.isin([sam]), :], radius, count_only=False ) # if selected dimensions not provided choose all if which_exprs_dims is None: which_exprs_dims = np.arange(expression.shape[1]) # print(which_exprs_dims) # extract and index the appropriate bit of the PCA pca = expression[:, which_exprs_dims] ckd = cKDTree(pca) # the actual number of neighbours - you'll get seven extra spatial neighbours in the thing knn = n_neighbors + n_sp_neighbors # identify the knn for each spot. this is guaranteed to contain at least n_neighbors non-adjacent spots # this is exactly what we're after ckdout = ckd.query(x=pca, k=knn, n_jobs=-1) # create numeric vectors for subsetting later numtemp = np.arange(expression.shape[0]) rowtemp = np.arange(knn) # rejigger the neighour pool by including the spatially adjacent ones for i in np.arange(expression.shape[0]): # identify the spatial neighbours for the spot and compute their distance mask = np.isin(numtemp, coord_ind[i]) # filter spatial neighbours by sample if sample_id is not None: mask = mask & sample_id.isin([sample_id[i]]) neigh = numtemp[mask] ndist_temp = pca[mask, :] - pca[i, :] ndist_temp = ndist_temp.reshape((mask.sum(), pca.shape[1])) ndist = np.linalg.norm(ndist_temp, axis=1) # how many non-adjacent neighbours will we get to keep? # (this fluctuates as e.g. edge spots will have fewer hex neighbours) kpoint = knn - len(neigh) # the indices of the top kpoint number of non-adjacent neighbours (by excluding adjacent ones from the set) inds = rowtemp[[i not in neigh for i in ckdout[1][0, :]]][:kpoint] # keep the identified top non-adjacent neighbours ckdout[0][i, :kpoint] = ckdout[0][i, inds] ckdout[1][i, :kpoint] = ckdout[1][i, inds] # add the spatial neighbours in the remaining spots of the knn graph ckdout[0][i, kpoint:] = ndist ckdout[1][i, kpoint:] = neigh # sort each row of the graph in ascending distance order # (sometimes spatially adjacent neighbours are some of the top ones) knn_distances, knn_indices = ckdout newidx = np.argsort(knn_distances, axis=1) knn_indices = knn_indices[np.arange(np.shape(knn_indices)[0])[:, np.newaxis], newidx] knn_distances = knn_distances[np.arange(np.shape(knn_distances)[0])[:, np.newaxis], newidx] # compute connectivities and export as a dictionary dist, cnts = compute_connectivities_umap(knn_indices, knn_distances, knn_indices.shape[0], knn_indices.shape[1]) neighbors = { "distances": dist, "connectivities": cnts, "params": {"n_neighbors": n_neighbors + n_sp_neighbors, "method": "spot_factors2knn", "metric": "euclidean"}, } return neighbors # ####################--------######################## def spot_factors2knn( adata, coord_col=["x", "y"], sample_col="sample.x", node_name="nUMI_factors", sample_type="mean", n_neighbors=14, n_sp_neighbors=7, which_exprs_dims=None, which_sample=None, ): r"""Construct spatially aware KNN graph using W spot weights :param adata: anndata object with spot weights. :param coord_col: anndata.obs columns containing spatial coordinates. :param sample_col: anndata.obs columns containing individual Visium sample identifier. :param node_name: model paramter representing spot contributions of cell types W. :param sample_type: use 'means' or 5% quantile ('q05') of the posterior of W? :param n_neighbors: number of expression neighbours, between spots within and across samples. :param n_sp_neighbors: number of spatial neighbours, only within spots of the same sample. Defaults to 7 to get direct neighbours in the hexagonal grid. 13 and 19 give the next rows of spatial neighbours. :param which_exprs_dims: select specific cell states from W :param which_sample: select one or several samples to construct the graph :return: updated anndata with neighbour graph in adata.uns['neighbors'] """ if sample_type not in ["mean", "sds", "q05"]: raise ValueError("sample_type should be one of `['mean', 'sds', 'q05']`.") obs = adata.obs # select sample if which_sample is not None: obs = obs[which_sample, :] obs_col = obs.columns # extract needed info coords = obs[coord_col].values col_ind = [sample_type + "_" + node_name in i for i in obs_col.tolist()] exprs = obs.loc[:, col_ind].values sample_id = obs[sample_col] adata.uns["neighbors"] = spatial_knn( coords, expression=exprs, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, n_sp_neighbors=n_sp_neighbors, which_exprs_dims=which_exprs_dims, sample_id=sample_id, ) return adata