Source code for cell2location.plt.plot_in_1D

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def plot_absolute_abundances_1D( adata_sp, roi_subset=False, saving=False, celltype_subset=False, scaling=0.15, power=1, pws=[0, 0, 100, 500, 1000, 3000, 6000], dimName="VCDepth", xlab="Cortical Depth", colourCode=None, figureSize=(12, 8), ): r""" Plot absolute abundance of celltypes in a dotplot across 1 dimension :param adata_sp: anndata object for spatial data with celltype abundance included in .obs (this is returned by running cell2location first) :param celltype_subset: list of a subset of cell type names to be plotted :param slide&radial_position: if wanting to plot only data from one slide + one radial position, include in these parameters :param cell_types: parameter for only plotting specific cell types where column names in adata_sp.obs are meanSpot[celltype] format :param roi_subset: optionally a boolean for only using part of the data in adata_sp (corresponding to a specific ROI) :param saving: optionally a string value, which will result in the plot to be saved under this name :param scaling: how dot size should scale linearly with abundance values, default 0.15 :param power: how dot size should scale non-linearly with abundance values, default 1 (no non-linear scaling) :param pws: which abundance values to show in the legend :param dimName: the name of the dimensions in adata_sp.obs to use for plotting :param xlab: the x-axis label for the plot :param colourCode: optionally a dictionary mapping cell type names to colours :param figureSize: size of the figure """ SMALL_SIZE = 18 MEDIUM_SIZE = 18 BIGGER_SIZE = 18 plt.rc("font", size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt.rc("axes", titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc("axes", labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("legend", fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize plt.rc("figure", titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title def subset_obs_column(adata, celltype): obs_columns = adata.obs.loc[:, [celltype in x.split("mean_spot_factors") for x in adata.obs.columns]] columns_names = obs_columns.columns return columns_names def subset_anndata(adata, celltype, dimName): adata_subset = adata.copy() names = subset_obs_column(adata, celltype) adata_subset.obs = adata_subset.obs.loc[:, names] adata_subset.obs[dimName] = adata.obs[dimName] adata_subset.obs["Radial_position"] = adata.obs["Radial_position"] adata_subset.obs["slide"] = adata.obs["slide"] return adata_subset if celltype_subset: adata_sp = subset_anndata(adata_sp, celltype_subset, dimName) celltypes = [x.split("meanscell_abundance_w_sf_")[-1] for x in adata_sp.obsm["means_cell_abundance_w_sf"].columns] abundances = adata_sp.obsm["means_cell_abundance_w_sf"] if roi_subset: celltypesForPlot = np.repeat(celltypes, sum(roi_subset)) vcForPlot = np.array([adata_sp.obs[dimName].loc[roi_subset] for j in range(len(celltypes))]).flatten() countsForPlot = np.array([abundances.iloc[:, j].loc[roi_subset] for j in range(len(celltypes))]) else: celltypesForPlot = np.repeat(celltypes, np.shape(adata_sp)[0]) vcForPlot = np.array([adata_sp.obs[dimName] for j in range(len(celltypes))]).flatten() countsForPlot = np.array([abundances.iloc[:, j] for j in range(len(celltypes))]) if type(colourCode) is dict: colourCode = pd.DataFrame(data=colourCode.values(), index=colourCode.keys(), columns=["Colours"]) else: colourCode = pd.DataFrame(data="black", index=celltypes, columns=["Colours"]) coloursForPlot = np.array(colourCode.loc[np.array(celltypesForPlot), "Colours"]) plt.figure(figsize=(figureSize)) plt.scatter( vcForPlot, celltypesForPlot, s=(1 - np.amin(countsForPlot * scaling) + countsForPlot * scaling) ** power, c=coloursForPlot, ) plt.xlabel(xlab) # make a legend: for pw in pws: plt.scatter( [], [], s=((1 - np.amin(countsForPlot * scaling) + pw * scaling)) ** power, c="black", label=str(pw) ) h, leng = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend( h[1:], leng[1:], labelspacing=1.2, title="Total Number", borderpad=1, frameon=True, framealpha=0.6, edgecolor="k", facecolor="w", bbox_to_anchor=(1.55, 0.5), ) plt.tight_layout() if saving: plt.savefig(saving)
[docs]def plot_density_1D( adata_sp, subset=None, saving=False, scaling=0.15, power=1, pws=[0, 0, 100, 500, 1000, 3000, 6000, 10000], dimName="VCDepth", areaName="AOISurfaceArea", xlab="Cortical Depth", colourCode=None, figureSize=(12, 8), ): r"""Plot density of celltypes in a dotplot across 1 dimension :param adata_sp: anndata object for spatial data with celltype abundance included in .obs (this is returned by running cell2location first) :param subset: optionally a boolean for only using part of the data in adata_sp :param saving: optionally a string value, which will result in the plot to be saved under this name :param scaling: how dot size should scale linearly with abundance values, default 0.15 :param power: how dot size should scale non-linearly with abundance values, default 1 (no non-linear scaling) :param pws: which abundance values to show in the legend :param dimName: the name of the column in adata_sp.obs that contains the dimension used for plotting :param areaName: the name of the column in adata_sp.obs that contain the area of each ROI (assumed to be square micrometer) :param xlab: the x-axis label for the plot :param colourCode: optionally a dictionary mapping cell type names to colours :param figureSize: size of the figure """ SMALL_SIZE = 18 MEDIUM_SIZE = 18 BIGGER_SIZE = 18 plt.rc("font", size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt.rc("axes", titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc("axes", labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc("legend", fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize plt.rc("figure", titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title roi_area = np.array(adata_sp.obs[areaName]) celltypes = [ x.split("mean_spot_factors")[-1] for x in adata_sp.obs.columns if len(x.split("mean_spot_factors")) == 2 ] abundances = adata_sp.obs.loc[:, [len(x.split("mean_spot_factors")) == 2 for x in adata_sp.obs.columns]] if subset: celltypesForPlot = np.repeat(celltypes, sum(subset)) vcForPlot = np.array([adata_sp.obs[dimName].loc[subset] for j in range(len(celltypes))]).flatten() countsForPlot = np.array( [abundances.iloc[:, j].loc[subset] / roi_area[subset] * 10**6 for j in range(len(celltypes))] ) else: celltypesForPlot = np.repeat(celltypes, np.shape(adata_sp)[0]) vcForPlot = np.array([adata_sp.obs[dimName] for j in range(len(celltypes))]).flatten() countsForPlot = np.array([abundances.iloc[:, j] / roi_area * 10**6 for j in range(len(celltypes))]) if type(colourCode) is dict: colourCode = pd.DataFrame(data=colourCode.values(), index=colourCode.keys(), columns=["Colours"]) else: colourCode = pd.DataFrame(data="black", index=celltypes, columns=["Colours"]) coloursForPlot = np.array(colourCode.loc[np.array((celltypesForPlot)), "Colours"]) plt.figure(figsize=(figureSize)) plt.scatter( vcForPlot, celltypesForPlot, s=((1 - np.amin(countsForPlot * scaling) + countsForPlot * scaling)) ** power, c=coloursForPlot, ) plt.xlabel(xlab) # make a legend: for pw in pws: plt.scatter( [], [], s=((1 - np.amin(countsForPlot * scaling) + pw * scaling)) ** power, c="black", label=str(pw) ) h, leng = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() plt.legend( h[1:], leng[1:], labelspacing=1.2, title="Density ($cells/mm^2$)", borderpad=1, frameon=True, framealpha=0.6, edgecolor="k", facecolor="w", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.9), ) plt.tight_layout() if saving: plt.savefig(saving)