Source code for cell2location.plt.plot_factor_spatial

#!pip install plotnine
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def plot_factor_spatial( adata, fact, cluster_names, fact_ind=[0], trans="log", sample_name=None, samples_col="sample", obs_x="imagecol", obs_y="imagerow", n_columns=6, max_col=5000, col_breaks=[0.1, 100, 1000, 3000], figure_size=(24, 5.7), point_size=0.8, text_size=9, ): r"""Plot expression of factors / cell types in space. Convenient but not as powerful as scanpy plotting. :param adata: anndata object with spatial data :param fact: pd.DataFrame with spatial expression of factors (W), e.g. mod.spot_factors_df :param cluster_names: names of those factors to show on a plot :param fact_ind: index of factors to plot :param trans: transform colorscale? passed to plotnine.scale_color_cmap :param sample_name: if anndata object contains multiple samples specify which sample to plot (no warning given if not) :param samples_col: if anndata object contains multiple which .obs columns specifies sample? :param obs_x: which .obs columns specifies x coordinate? :param obs_y: which .obs columns specifies y coordinate? :param n_columns: how many factors / clusters to plot in each row (plotnine.facet_grid) :param max_col: colorscale maximum expression in fact :param col_breaks: colorscale breaks :param figure_size: figures size works weirdly (only x axis has an effect, use 24 for 6-column plot, 12 for 3, 8 for 2 ...). :param point_size: point size of spots :param text_size: text size """ from plotnine import ( aes, coord_fixed, element_line, element_rect, element_text, facet_wrap, geom_point, ggplot, ggtitle, scale_color_cmap, theme, theme_bw, ) if sample_name is not None: sample_ind = np.isin(adata.obs[samples_col], sample_name) else: sample_ind = np.repeat(True, adata.shape[0]) # adata.obsm['X_spatial'][:,0] vs adata.obs['imagecol'] & adata.obs['imagerow'] for_plot = np.concatenate( ( adata.obs[obs_x].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), -adata.obs[obs_y].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), fact.iloc[:, fact_ind[0]].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), np.array([cluster_names[fact_ind[0]] for j in range(adata.obs.shape[0])]).reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), ), 1, ) for_plot = pd.DataFrame(for_plot, index=adata.obs.index, columns=["imagecol", "imagerow", "weights", "cluster"]) # select only correct sample for_plot = for_plot.loc[sample_ind, :] for i in fact_ind[1:]: for_plot1 = np.concatenate( ( adata.obs[obs_x].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), -adata.obs[obs_y].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), fact.iloc[:, i].values.reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), np.array([cluster_names[i] for j in range(adata.obs.shape[0])]).reshape((adata.obs.shape[0], 1)), ), 1, ) for_plot1 = pd.DataFrame( for_plot1, index=adata.obs.index, columns=["imagecol", "imagerow", "weights", "cluster"] ) # select only correct sample for_plot1 = for_plot1.loc[sample_ind, :] for_plot = pd.concat((for_plot, for_plot1)) for_plot["imagecol"] = pd.to_numeric(for_plot["imagecol"]) for_plot["imagerow"] = pd.to_numeric(for_plot["imagerow"]) for_plot["weights"] = pd.to_numeric(for_plot["weights"]) for_plot["cluster"] = pd.Categorical(for_plot["cluster"], categories=cluster_names[fact_ind], ordered=True) # print(np.log(np.max(for_plot['weights']))) ax = ( ggplot(for_plot, aes("imagecol", "imagerow", color="weights")) + geom_point(size=point_size) + scale_color_cmap("magma", trans=trans, limits=[0.1, max_col], breaks=col_breaks + [max_col]) + coord_fixed() + theme_bw() + theme( panel_background=element_rect(fill="black", colour="black", size=0, linetype="solid"), panel_grid_major=element_line(size=0, linetype="solid", colour="black"), panel_grid_minor=element_line(size=0, linetype="solid", colour="black"), strip_text=element_text(size=text_size), ) + facet_wrap("~cluster", ncol=n_columns) + ggtitle("nUMI from each cell type") + theme(figure_size=figure_size) ) return ax
[docs]def plot_categ_spatial(mod, adata, sample_col, color, n_columns=2, figure_size=(24, 5.7), point_size=0.8, text_size=9): from plotnine import ( aes, coord_fixed, element_line, element_rect, element_text, facet_wrap, geom_point, ggplot, theme, theme_bw, ) for_plot = adata.obs[["imagecol", "imagerow", sample_col]] for_plot["color"] = color # fix types for_plot["color"] = pd.Categorical(for_plot["color"], ordered=True) # for_plot['color'] = pd.to_numeric(for_plot['color']) for_plot["sample"] = pd.Categorical(for_plot[sample_col], ordered=False) for_plot["imagecol"] = pd.to_numeric(for_plot["imagecol"]) for_plot["imagerow"] = -pd.to_numeric(for_plot["imagerow"]) ax = ( ggplot(for_plot, aes(x="imagecol", y="imagerow", color="color")) + geom_point(size=point_size) # + scale_color_cmap() + coord_fixed() + theme_bw() + theme( panel_background=element_rect(fill="black", colour="black", size=0, linetype="solid"), panel_grid_major=element_line(size=0, linetype="solid", colour="black"), panel_grid_minor=element_line(size=0, linetype="solid", colour="black"), strip_text=element_text(size=text_size), ) + facet_wrap("~sample", ncol=n_columns) + theme(figure_size=figure_size) ) return ax