Source code for cell2location.plt.RotateCrop

r"""Class for rotating and cropping images."""
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

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[docs]def find_rectangle_corners(bottom_left, width): r"""Find rectangle corners given positions of left side points and width of the plot. Parameters ---------- bottom_left : array with x/y positions (columns) of top left and bottom left corners (in rows). width : width of the rectangle. Returns ------- """ # We identify the position of remaining corners of the rectangle using basic geometry x1 = bottom_left[0, 1] - bottom_left[1, 1] y1 = bottom_left[0, 0] - bottom_left[1, 0] z1 = np.sqrt((np.array([x1, y1]) ** 2).sum()) x = y1 / z1 * width y = x1 / z1 * width return np.array( [ bottom_left[0, :], [bottom_left[0, 0] - y, bottom_left[0, 1] + x], [bottom_left[1, 0] - y, bottom_left[1, 1] + x], ] )
[docs]class RotateCrop: def __init__(self, img, corners, rotate90=0, flip_axes=True): r""" Parameters ---------- img : Image to crop corners : Crop rectangle corners, 3 is enough rotate90 : int If you want to rotate cropped frame several times flip_axes : bool Try to switch it if cropped frame looks weird """ self.img = img self.corners = np.array(corners).astype(np.float32) self.rotation_matrix = None self.rotate90 = rotate90 self.flip_axes = slice(None, None, (-1) ** self.rotate90 * (1 if flip_axes else -1))
[docs] def compute_distances(self): distances = [] for i in self.corners: for j in self.corners: distances.append(np.linalg.norm(i - j).astype(np.float32)) distances = sorted(set(distances))[1:] if len(distances) == 1: return distances[0], distances[0] else: return distances[0], distances[1]
[docs] def get_rotation_matrix(self): self.width, self.height = self.compute_distances()[self.flip_axes] self.width, self.height = self.width.astype(np.int32), self.height.astype(np.int32) self.dst_pts = [[0, self.height], [0, 0], [self.width, 0], [self.width, self.height]] self.dst_pts = [ self.dst_pts[self.rotate90 % 4], self.dst_pts[(self.rotate90 + 1) % 4], self.dst_pts[(self.rotate90 + 2) % 4], self.dst_pts[(self.rotate90 + 3) % 4], ] self.dst_pts = np.array(self.dst_pts).astype(np.float32) self.rotation_matrix = cv.getAffineTransform(self.corners[:3], self.dst_pts[:3])
[docs] def crop_rotate(self): if self.rotation_matrix is None: self.get_rotation_matrix() return cv.warpAffine(self.img, self.rotation_matrix, (self.width, self.height))
[docs] def rotate_points(self, points, return_mask=False): """ Parameters ---------- points : return_mask : (Default value = False) Returns ------- """ if self.rotation_matrix is None: self.get_rotation_matrix() points = np.array(points) new_points = [] for p in points: new_p = (np.vstack((self.rotation_matrix, [0, 0, 1])) @ np.hstack((p, [1])))[:2] new_points.append(new_p) new_points = np.array(new_points) valid_mask = ( (new_points[:, 0] > 0) & (new_points[:, 1] > 0) & (new_points[:, 0] < self.width) & (new_points[:, 1] < self.height) ) valid_points = new_points[valid_mask] if return_mask: return valid_points, valid_mask return valid_points